Home / Africa Blog / What Electrical Plugs are used in Southern and East Africa?

What Electrical Plugs are used in Southern and East Africa?

When you’re travelling through Africa, technology should be the least of your worries. However, you do need things like your cellphones and cameras to keep in touch and to capture special moments during your unforgettable trip. To be prepared for charging your devices, you should be aware of what types of plugs the different electric outlets throughout Africa require.

Plan ahead by taking a read through the following:

Botswana: Type M
Central African Republic:  Types C and E
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Types C, D and E
Malawi: Type G
Mozambique: Types C, F and M (*Type M found especially near the border with South Africa, including the capital, Maputo.)
Namibia: Type M
South Africa: Type M (*Grahamstown & Port Elizabeth 250V; also found in King Williams Town
** Types C and G can also be found in some areas.)
Swaziland: Type M
Tanzania: Types D and G
Uganda: Type G
Zambia: Types C, D and G
Zimbabwe: Types D and G

Links to website pages about types of plugs:

C = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-c
D = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-d
E = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-e
F = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-f
G = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-g
M = http://electricaloutlet.org/type-m

About Amy Saville

Article by: Amy Saville
on January 28, 2014
Filed under  Africa Blog 
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